Wednesday, February 24, 2010

10 Things to Consider Before Your Next Meeting

there is Pop Inflatable Sides a temptat to call a meet and let thing take their course. Speedi meet setup doe save time initially,In our busi world of work. but when a project or initi suffer becaus of poor planning, no on look good. The time and effort it take to plan an organized, product meet is well worth it.

call a meet ha becom the default action when there is need for ani type of discussion. Befor you invit your colleagu to a meeting,

In some offic cultures. you should take a littl time to think about what you want to accomplish. Ask yourself if a meet is the best wai to get the result you desire. If you decid to go ahead and call the meeting, take a few more minut to plan it out. A meet is more than just some peopl in a room, talking.

your colleagu your superior will appreci your effortsWhen you take the time to be strateg about meet thei can be veri effective. Whether your offic is meeting-weari or meeting-ready..

1. What is my goal for the meeting?

form a plan,Do you want to have the group reach a consensus. feel inform on a project or do you just want to get some feedback? It is import to have a desir outcom for a meet becaus thi will decid who you invit and how you structur the agenda.

2. What kind of meet do I want to have?

it is up to you to set the tone. If you decid what kind of meet you want to have beforehand,Th word meet is an all-purpos term for gather of variou types. At time a meet is realli a brainstorm session; at other time it is an evaluation. Sinc you ar call the meeting. you can set the cours at the begin and keep everyon on track.

3. Do we realli need a meeting?

you need to decid if you realli need to have one. Are you simpli go to impart inform that could be put into an e-mail,On you ve thought about the purpos of the meeting. or do you need to interact with other member of your team?

4. What happen the last time thi group met?

you probabl want to do someth different. Think about the last meet on thi topic or project. What distract participants? What got everyon excited? Make an effort to avoid the former and emphas the latterSometim organ find that thei ar in a meet rut. If you leav a meet with thi group question if it is worth the time and effort..

5. Is there anyon I need to see separ befor the meeting?

A meet is not the time to air person grievanc or call anyon out. It is also not the set to convinc someon to see thing your way. Don t be afraid to chat with a co-work befor the meet to pave the wai for a smoother gather with the group.

6. When is the optim time for the meeting?

don t add to the meet traffic. It is not alwai easi to get a time when everyon is refreshed,Y know your offic cultur and schedul patterns. If a certain time of dai is jam-packed. but do your best becaus the time of dai can realli effect how a meet proceeds.

7. When should I give out the agenda?

you should e-mail them an agenda beforehand. However,If you expect attende to engag in some level of prepar befor the meeting. there ar circumst in which receiv an agenda in advanc could be distract or throw some peopl into a panic, in those cases, wait.

do your best to keep momentum going. If you do hand out the agenda at the meeting.

peopl ar often too busi read the agenda to pai attention. There is noth wrong with make introductori remark first. Then you can hand out the agenda and give everyon a few minut to look it overIt is typic to hand out an agenda and then start talking. Sadly..

8. Would thi meet go better with food?

by all means,If the topic for discuss will not be hinder by food or if you think food will help break the ice. includ it in your meeting. Just be sure to allot enough time for eat and discussion. Meet food doesn t alwai have to be a full meal either peopl appreci snacks, too.

9. Where is the best place to hold thi meeting?

location,You ve heard that old adage: location. location. A room that is too small on the other side of the build will inconveni attendees. A room that is too larg mai have an echo and be uncomfort in a differ way. Look for the room that is just right on that can accommod everyon comfortably, on that ha the equip you need, and on that ha minim distractions.

10. Am I prepar to lead and to listen?

if you call a meeting,There is noth wors than be call to a meet where the person in charg is not readi to discuss the topic at hand. But at the same time. you have to be open to get input from others. So don t prepar to give a lecture, rather arm yourself with inform and prepar to facilitate.

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