Monday, February 8, 2010

Google Web Analysis Tool Answer Center

SEO Inflatable Bouncy Castles tools, we especially recommend Google Web site traffic statistical tools.

The traffic analysis tool is very powerful.

Here we analyze the various functional blocks in order to facilitate you to maximize the value of digging it, not just with the view of traffic and keywords only. The most important thing is to let you at least within the time well aware of this tool.

"Control Panel" page on the left navigation to embark on the order of introduction:


Analysis Bounce House Inflatable tool's home page. The various functional blocks through "Add to Dashboard" button shown here profile. The default display include:

Number of visits, the same IP, and then left the last time, according to two second count.
Pageviews, total number of visits of all page views.
Number of pages per visit, each visit the Web site an average of clicks, number of pages (PV).
Site mean residence time, each visit to the average time to leave the experience.
Bounce Rate, only view a page on the left of the flow of the percentage of the total page views.
The percentage of new visits by ip calculation, the number of new visitors accounted for the percentage of the number of returning visitors.
All these can query the data for all time periods.


Flow analysis part of the analysis tools. Illustrated the maximum recording and analysis of the non-privacy of data on visitors. Any one data indicators are included: number of pages per visit for all time periods PV, pulls in an average residence time, the proportion of new visitors, bounce rate.

Benchmarking, so Inflatable Boxing Ring that your site traffic with other colleagues websites vertical comparison of individual indicators. By contrast, you can find the need to improve and strengthen the place. Very attractive features, but at present function is not perfect, is being tested. We will introduce various functions.
Map Overlay, showing the location of visitors worldwide, the Chinese visitors can be precisely to the cities. (PS: Why do hundreds of thousands from SEO traffic map of the distribution of SEO can generally reflect the relatively higher degree of awareness of population distribution in China, where several cities.)
New versus returning visitors who, by observing and analyzing data from these two indicators, you can find your site's marketing and customer loyalty which is more the need to improve.
Language, the visitor's browser default language, statistics visitor language type.
Visitor trends, using a variety of graphics and text mode comparative analysis of flow data in different time periods of indicators.
Visitor loyalty, in chart form, respectively, from the following indicators reflect the customer loyalty:
Loyalty: statistics on the number of visitors to the designated period of time.
Recency: Statistics in the specified period of time visitors to the last visit time.
Length of Visit: Statistics in the specified period of time duration of each visit.
Depth of Visit: Statistics in the specified period of time the number of pages per visit.
Browser, the browser from the client point of view of users, including browser, operating system, screen colors, screen resolution, Flash version, JAVA support.
The network location, visitors to the network location, access to the host name (such as: or, visit network speed.
Traffic Sources:

Analyzing website traffic sources, including direct hits, referral sites, search engines, advertising, etc., and these sources account for the proportion of total flow.

For the workers, SEO, search engine keyword traffic source analysis is essential. By keyword traffic analysis could be more in-depth understanding of user's search habits in order to develop and modify the keywords and reasonable plan.


Statistics for all pages of your site has been visited more frequently. These can be sorted by a variety of ways, including: pageviews, a single IP number of visits, residence time, bounce rate, retreat rates, income indicators, etc.. Traffic through the contents of the statistics, site visitors can clearly grasp the points of interest in order to provide more valuable content. The most valuable content analysis include:

The most common elements, he incurs the most frequently visited Web pages.
The most common landing page through the other pages into the page that the largest number of web pages.
The most common exit pages, most users leave the site from that page.
The most exciting feature is that, Google offers a site overlay features. Can be very clearly see that the user click on each link on the page number and proportion.

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