Thursday, February 11, 2010

Buying and Selling Antiques

If you ar Holiday Inflatables just start out with your antiqu collect and want to start up a busi of bui and sell you will have to obtain item such as the on mention abov so that you can establish your uniqu in the antiqu field. You want to be abl to offer antiqu buyer someth that thei can t get anywher els without a great deal of effort.

0,Sinc the debut of the travel antiqu show on television, a lot of peopl have turn to bui and sell antiques. Some do it as a hobby, while other work at make it a business. The market fluctuates, make on item more popular than anoth at variou times. If you'r think about try your hand at this, it' import to studi the market and learn how to make it profit for you.

Th best wai to establish yourself is to find the most uniqu item that you can. It or thei should be fairli easi for you to acquire. The next step is to learn everyth you can about it.

find heavi influenc from Anglo sources. These New England antiqu includ hutch tables,Som up-and-com antiqu item that ar becom more and more popular among collector can be found at opposit side of the country. Some of these antiqu can be found in New England and date from the time of 1790 to 1860. highboys, blanket chests, and pewter cupboards. If you ar abl to obtain ani of these antiqu item from New England you ar sure to have a winner when it come to an antiqu sale. You mai find some of these piec from New England so beauti that you mai want to keep a piec or two for your own privat collect of antiques.

antiqu from the West,On a complet differ note. particularli Texas, ar becom highli sought after. Much of the home item found in Texa dure the 1870 to 1900 reflect the German heritag of mani of the Texa pioneers. Item such as wardrob and tables, even rawhid chairs, ar highli prize by collectors. Texa antiqu ar easi to identifi by their us of nativ Texa woods, such as heart pine. The dovetail on drawer can also be a tell featur of Texa antiques. Look for item where the dovetail look hand rendered, not the uniform and perfect of machin dovetails. Antiqu with dovetail will appear rough, hand made, and slightli irregular.

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