Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Employers: Develop Effective Health And Safety Policies for Glove Usage in the Workplace

who are Inflatable Roller Ball often unawar of the risk of latex exposure. Such health problem can be minim or prevent by develop polici to train and educ employe and glove user on all aspect of glove use,

Latex allergi in the workplac can result in potenti seriou health problem for workers. safeti & care, and procedur to prevent and react to latex allergies.

from simpl articl such as thermometers,Surg and patient examin glove ar medic devic regul by the FDA Food and Drug Administr . The legal definit of "medic device" encompass sever thousand health products. tongu depressors, and heat pads, to sensit and complex devic such as pacemakers, lasers, and imag technologies. The enact of the Medic Devic Amendment of 1976 amend the Feder Food, Drug, and Cosmet Act the FD&C Act to give FDA specif author to regul the safeti and effect of medic devices.

FDA ha receiv report of 15 death and numer other sever allerg reaction associ with exposur to latex. These death were associ with anaphylact reaction to natur rubber latex. To determin whether there wa a connect between the death and latex,Sinc 1989. FDA initi research that demonstr that antibodi from latex sensit individu react to a number of natur latex proteins. FDA us thi inform to inform industri and user that natur latex protein were the sourc of potenti life threaten reaction to natur rubber latex-contain products.

make recommend for patient care and advice,A dvic wa develop for manufactur to remov leachabl protein associ with these reaction from their finish devices. A Medic Alert wa also issu to the medic commun to alert health care worker to the problem of natur latex allergy. and request health profession to report advers reaction to latex in medic devices.

the FDA promulg a rule which becam effect Septemb 30,Scientif studi and case report have document sensit to natur latex protein found in a wide rang of medic devices. Base on thi information. 1998 to requir label statement on medic devic and devic packag contain natur rubber with which peopl come into contact. The label inform enabl user who ar alreadi sensit to natur latex protein to avoid exposur to natur latex proteins. It also enabl user to make inform choic about the glove and other product thei mai us person and as importantly, the product thei us on patient who mai have sensit to natur latex.

includ latex exam gloves,Th FDA also note that manufactur of mani products. increasingli were label their product as "hypoallergenic." FDA believ thi term is interpret by consum to mean that the risk of allerg reaction to ani compon of the devic would be minimal. Thi is not the case with devic contain natur rubber. The label regulation, therefore, prohibit us of the term "hypoallergenic" on medic devic that contain natur rubber becaus it incorrectli impli the devic can be us safe by person sensit to natur latex proteins.

polici for safe,A lthough medic devic ar manufactur and label as design by the FDA and other regulatori authorities. appropri glove us should be develop as summar below:

Examin current procedur for exam glove use

A ssess need for examin gloves

Provid altern glove when available

Us glove appropri for the task

Refrain from us of expir gloves

Bui correctli label product manufactur accord to standards

inform should be provid to educ and train employe in the follow areasUpon complet and implement of these policies.:

Identifi appropri glove for task needed

specif which exam glove contain late

Glov label and storage.x

A void us of lotion or barrier cream under the glove which mai react with the latex or compromis the integr of the gloves

Prop recognit of sign and symptom of latex allergy

Th need to immedi report suspect case of reaction and/or consult a physician

Procedur for deal with suspect as well as confirm cases

adopt of the recommend wherev feasibl will contribut to the reduct of exposur and risk for the develop of latex allergyGuidelin for exam glove us can be supplement with the follow employ and worker recommend for prevent latex allergi in the workplace. These prevent method ar base on current knowledg and a common-sens approach to minim latex-rel health problems. Evolv manufactur technolog and improv in measur method mai lead to chang in these recommend in the future. For now..

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