Thursday, March 18, 2010

Getting your MBA - Part 3, Don't Appear Desperate

In this Pirates Bounce instal of MBA Interview tips, I'm go to tackl a tricki not to appear desperate.

There is a veri fine line between cocki and desperation. When you'r have your interview, how well you walk that line can mean the differ between get accept or have to accept second best.

The advic I am go to give you in thi instal is not go to be easi to follow becaus it reach the veri heart of our soul and existence. In other can't con a con.

The peopl who will interview you ar pros. Thei have seen it all. Thei can tell the poser from the real thing. If you go in there and try to BS them, they'll know it...and'l get nowher in the process.

Probabl the most import thing is not to appear desperate. Thi is actual not too hard to pull off, even if you have to drink some herbal tea befor go for your interview. There ar sever kei to do this.

First, don't talk too fast. Too mani student try to get in as much inform about themselv in record time in order to impress the interviewer. Thi is on of the fist sign of desper and it will doom you right from the start. Speak slowli and clearly.

Second, don't try to cram everi littl thing you'v ever done into your interview and don't tell the interview that you'v dreamt of get into thi school sinc you'v been in diapers. It' not go to wash. Thei will see right through this.

Third, and I no thi sound like it should be obvious, but don't beg and don't get all emot sai that if you don't get into thi school your life is over. It isn't over, thei know it, and you'll onli come off as be desperate.

You want to speak with confid but not too cocky. Thi is the hard on for young peopl to pull off. Thei usual go to on extrem or the other. Either they'r too humbl or thei come off as a total jerk. Find a balance. If you have to, do a mock interview with an older person.

Like it or not, how you handl yourself dure the interview in thi area is go to make a big difference. So practic your interview skills.

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