Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Chinese Culture and Customs

Thelearning Big Inflatable Arch 28 the culture and customs in China can be fun and interesting. There are some things you should learn before going to China or meet people who come from China. By respecting their customs and culture, show you the honor.

In China, there is a notion of?face?. This can be roughly translated as?thehonor?or?reputation?. You do not want to do anything that may inadvertently cause to somebodyone "lose face. "This may be somethingas small as his?is that you receive a gift card or someoneone or somethingimportant shows great disrespect. Thelearning culture allows theavoid such situations.

Greetings should be formal. The oldest person in the room should be accommodated first. It is not appropriate to greet someoneone with a hug or a kiss. It is much more appropriate touse a handshake.

When giving gifts, do not give high cutting utensils, because it symbolizes a breakdown in your relationship. Clocks, flowers, shoes and handkerchiefs are symbols of funerals. They are not appropriate gifts. Never give anything four of four is considered unlucky. Eight is the lucky number in China, so a gift of eight articles luck. If you receive a gift from someoneone, donot open until later.

During the visit ofChinese households, it is polite toremove your shoes beforeinto housing. A gift ofh?shift is appropriate. Eat what you are given;Turning down theoffers theHospitality is tough. Some Chinese believe thatit hard to show theinside your mouth. Itis why you will often see women covering their mouths when they are laughing, eating, or yawning.

Many Chinese still follow the Chinese lunar calendar. It begins with Chinese New Year, which can happen at any time from late January to mid-February on our calendar. They can use this calendar to determine when their date of birth, so if they tell you their date of birth, it can be when you expect thathe is. For example, if they tell you thatThey were born April 7, that means the seventh day of the fourth month, which will be counted from the beginning of the Chinese lunar calendar. Their birthday falls on a different day depending on when the new year began, unlike in the calendar that we use.

The celebration of Chinese New Year may last several weeks. Itis the time of theyear when families travel totogether and they celebrate with fireworks,fireworks, banquets and family activities. Businesses close and everyone takes time off. It is traditional to make dumplings for New Year's Eve and eat them at midnight to symbolize good luck. Debts should be paid toBy the end of theyear, if possible, to make a fresh start on the new year.

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