Thursday, June 24, 2010

bedtime story about a cat

how to Giant Inflatable Elephant stroke your cat gently,Teach children: Not to chase the cat or pull her tail. Where to stroke the cat – the top of the head and along the back. Cat can be veri sensit about their stomach and mai lash out in self-def if touch in thi area. The cat should alwai be left alon when eating, toileting, or sleeping. Teach children to wash their hand after stroke the cat and how to groom your cat – thi can be a good bond experi for both your cat and the child.

The next best thing to own your own cat is to have bedtim stori book about a cat. There ar mani children author who have chosen thi subject with that in mind. Children usual love anim and grow up with a pet can form a last relationship. Teach your child the best wai to plai with your cat. Rais a pet help to give young children a sens of respons earli on in life. Children rais with pet have shown to be far more sociabl as adult and have better commun skills. Thei ar also much less like to develop allergi toward pet fur. Know how to mix the two howev can sometim be a bit tricki but a littl prepar and educ can go a long way.

person and experienceYour cat s reaction to a newborn will depend on her genetics..

food and water bowl and litter trai ar place awai from busi areas. Once the babi becom a toddler,Off your cat a privat sanctuari when you first bring a newborn home. Make sure her bed. us babi gate to secur your cat s privacy. Alternatively, cat haven can be provid in the form of igloo bed place on top of tabl or sturdi shelves.

the arriv of a babi – and a new scent – mai lead to possibl upheaval. Your cat mai sulk,If your cat is veri territorial. get agit or even try to mark her space, by rub face gland secret around the hous or even sprai new item such as high chair and cot with urine. Pheromon preparations, which help cat to relax, ar avail from vet and can be appli to new item in advanc of the babi s arrival.

as thi onli reinforc their anxiety. Instead,A noth wai to offset your cat s displeasur at have an addit famili member is by build up a posit associ with the babi through treat or rewards. Rememb cat shouldn t be comfort when confront by the arriv of a new baby. wait for them to relax or start to plai and then cuddl them in anoth room.

continu your cat s establish routin as much as possible. If it need to change,Importantly. do it as far in advanc as possible. If you think you might be too busi to cope with the demand of both a babi and a cat, you mai have to consid rehom the cat ahead of the babi s arrival. Most cat love have babi around, becaus it mean more visitor and attent for them as well! However, when children start to becom mobile, the novelti begin to wear off. Cat don t like be taken by surpris or chase around by anyon and a suddenli uncoordin but persist pursuit by a toddler can be veri disturbing.

Off your cat a retreat at thi stage is veri important. Alwai supervis ani interact between ani children and your cat until you re sure that the child is old and wise enough to approach and gentli handl your cat – and also figur out when attent isn t welcome. Young children should never be allow to try and pick a cat up until thei ar strong enough to hold the pet properly.

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