Thursday, March 18, 2010

Getting your MBA - Part 3, Don't Appear Desperate

In this Pirates Bounce instal of MBA Interview tips, I'm go to tackl a tricki not to appear desperate.

There is a veri fine line between cocki and desperation. When you'r have your interview, how well you walk that line can mean the differ between get accept or have to accept second best.

The advic I am go to give you in thi instal is not go to be easi to follow becaus it reach the veri heart of our soul and existence. In other can't con a con.

The peopl who will interview you ar pros. Thei have seen it all. Thei can tell the poser from the real thing. If you go in there and try to BS them, they'll know it...and'l get nowher in the process.

Probabl the most import thing is not to appear desperate. Thi is actual not too hard to pull off, even if you have to drink some herbal tea befor go for your interview. There ar sever kei to do this.

First, don't talk too fast. Too mani student try to get in as much inform about themselv in record time in order to impress the interviewer. Thi is on of the fist sign of desper and it will doom you right from the start. Speak slowli and clearly.

Second, don't try to cram everi littl thing you'v ever done into your interview and don't tell the interview that you'v dreamt of get into thi school sinc you'v been in diapers. It' not go to wash. Thei will see right through this.

Third, and I no thi sound like it should be obvious, but don't beg and don't get all emot sai that if you don't get into thi school your life is over. It isn't over, thei know it, and you'll onli come off as be desperate.

You want to speak with confid but not too cocky. Thi is the hard on for young peopl to pull off. Thei usual go to on extrem or the other. Either they'r too humbl or thei come off as a total jerk. Find a balance. If you have to, do a mock interview with an older person.

Like it or not, how you handl yourself dure the interview in thi area is go to make a big difference. So practic your interview skills.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Guide to Buying a Laptop Computer

With the Inflatable Floor Boat mani differ brand and model on the market, bui a laptop or notebook comput mai at first seem confusing. But simpli break down the process into a few kei area and us to search for the most suitabl featur and price make it much easier to access exactli the machin you'r look for.

How import to you is mobility?

Mobil in laptop comput is a combin of size, weight and batteri life: how often you carri it around, and if you will be reli mainli on the notebook' battery, or whether you will access an extern power source. Laptop can weigh from a littl over 1 kg up to 6kg, depend on the model and featur included. The screen, storag space and disc drive all affect the weight.

Batteri life is shorten by bigger screen and multipl disc drives. Manufactur advertis the weight of the laptop in their specifications, but it is import to consid whether that specif includ batteri and other peripher such as extern drive that you mai be lug around. The most common batteri type is Lithium Ion Li-Ion , which can oper for on to three hour under normal work conditions. But mani power save option avail and higher cell batteri can extend the discharg time considerably. Batteri life deterior over time however, and as your laptop ages; the discharg rate of the batteri will diminish. Sometim it is worthwhil carri an addit battery.

A pplicat and cost

If mobil is of a lesser concern, then batteri life and weight will be less important. You mai be more inclin to have a bigger processor, screen size and memori capacity. The type of work you do can affect the screen size and type that is most suitabl for you. For a lighter load, and less graphic intens applic a 12-14in screen instead of 15 or 17in widescreen will be more suitable. If, on the other hand, the graphic capabl and size of the screen ar import then the best screen you can afford will be more of a priority. It mai work out cheaper to bui a basic unit and add such thing as an extern TV card and DVD burner when the need arises.

How much Aluminum Floor Inflatable Boat you need to spend is close relat to how you us your laptop. If you onli want to access your e-mail, brows the Web and do word processing, then you can consid lower budget machin with smaller processors, screen and facilities.

A medium-level user, perhap plai game or work in multimedia applications, will need a power processor, graphic controller, storag space, and a bigger screen. The more featur your laptop has, the more expens it will be. Include a DVD-burner instead of DVD-ROM, hard drive capac of more than 40GB, a 17in widescreen screen and wireless capabl result in a more expens machine.

If you ar not look for high power and graphic capabilities, then you mai find a suitabl laptop for around $1500. The latest processor, full blown graphic capability, DVD burner, widescreen and wireless connect mai cost over $4000. Use to search with differ price ranges.

Other kei components

Have determin by what you will do with it, and how mobil you need to be that you ar definit bui a laptop, you now need to get down to the nitti gritti and find the specif that will meet your needs. So, what to look for? Essentially, you ar consid differ between the follow components: display, graphic controller, memori RA M , hard disk, remov storage, network options, peripher connectivity, sound and battery.

Displai and Graphics

Notebook now all featur LCD screen Liquid Crystal Displai present crisp text and reduc eyestrain. These screen displai sharper text than standard CRT monitors, but ar less capabl of displai well-rend graphics. If you will be us your notebook for graphic work, it mai be worthwhil have a CRT monitor to connect to. Screen size for notebook rang from 12.1in to 17in widescreen . A 15in displai or 15.4in widescreen altern is the most common in notebook today. Widescreen is quickli becom more common, partli to accommod playback of DVD and also becaus widescreen proport make it is more durable.

On-screen graphic ar affect by both the size and type of screen as well as the graphic card. It is reason safe to assum that larger displai offer higher on-screen resolution. Screen bright measur in nit is anoth specif that can vari between make and models. Brighter screen impact less on ey and can be more easili read in bright conditions. Some manufactur have a glossy, reflect coat over the displai improv contrast and colours. But, becaus it increas the reflect of the screen, it can show you reflect in the screen. Surfac scratch mai also show up more readily. Not all LCD screen have the same viewabl angle, with some screen not easili view from a side angle.

Graphic perform in laptop is still inferior to that of desktop machines. All graphic control easili render 2-D imag and if you don't need more from your graphics, then an integr graphic control is ample. However, if you want to plai the latest 3-D game at a decent resolut and frame rate or you'r a CA D designer, then you'll need a discreet graphic control with a dedic DDR video memory.

Memori and Storage

In all comput RA M chip keep the CPU effici fed with data or instruct from program on the hard drive. Notebook comput now commonli us DDR SDRA M Doubl Date Rate SDRA M , the default standard, and DDR2 SDRA M which is a next-gener memori type offer consider perform and power benefit over SDRA M. Either way, when it come to RA M, more memori is better and you should consid 256MB as the absolut minimum. Upgrade memori can achiev better performance, and quit a number of vendor offer higher RA M configur as a 'deal sweetener' at the time of purchase. Search through for bundl extra such as more RA M.

The hard drive provid the long-term storag and is the centr of program control. There ar two critic specif of hard disks. One is disk speed, measur in revolut per minut rpm . Faster disk speed provid quicker access for load and save and 'file swapping'. The other is storag capacity, and drive ar now avail for notebook comput with 120GB capacity. If you work with larg file sizes, then you will probabl want at least 40GB of hard drive space. You mai also want to consid the type of remov storag such as a DVD writer, remov hard disk and media or 'flash' card system that will suit your us best.

Network and connectivity

Laptop comput now includ 56Kbp modem RJ-11 and 10/100 Ethernet RJ-45 connect as standard features. Some featur an Infrare port and you can us it to connect your mobil phone. Other wireless technolog for connect mobil phones, printer and PDA devic includ Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, allow connect at certifi public access point and home wireless networking. Most laptop us USB 2.0 or FireWir connect for connect keyboard, mouse, printers, camera and other peripherals. Nearli everi new notebook will have around three USB 2.0 ports, and on FireWir port and a VGA -out port to connect an extern monitor to.

Notebook comput have tradition been abl to expand their capabl through simpl plug-in PC Cards. Recent a new standard ha emerg call ExpressCard, a smaller, faster and more portabl plug-in card to provid such thing as expand video and sound capacity.

Choos a laptop becom much easier onc you'v decid on these basic requirements. You can search to compar makes, models, prices, accessori and all the import specifications. You can also compar vendor and their price and service.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Windmill Pond Aeration, Pond Aerator

Let "nature" help aerate,We ar locat in South Louisiana. circul and destratifi your pond! These wind driven pond aerat replac electr unit that can cost between $30 to $50 per month to operate. In onli a few short year these windmil will pai for themselves! Ideal for aerat remot pond that do not have electr nearby!

Let Natur Inflatable Castle help aerate, circul and destratifi your pond! These wind driven aerat replac electr unit that can cost between $30 to $50 per month to operate. In onli a few short year these windmil will pai for themselves! Ideal for aerat remot pond that do not have electr nearby! These new windmil ar similar to the unit we previous offer but featur mani new improvements:

* Pump up to 3 CFM of air in low wind - up to 4.5 CFM in 15+ MPH wind * Fast, easi assembl - mani step were complet for you to reduc assembl time! * Redesign blade with round edg for better air flow * Larger diaphragm and check valv for increas air flow * Patent pend technolog minim bear fatigu and increas longev * Effectiv in as littl as 3-5 MPH wind

Windmil Pond Aerat can be place up to 1000' awai from pond edge, thi is help for pond that ar in low area or surond by trees. Windmil can be locat in open area with tube run to the pond. 54'' diamet head ha 12 blade and is self govern in high winds. 18 gaug galvan steel part will last for year in all weather conditions. Oval hole in all part make assembl much easier!

Windmil price includ doubl membran diffus and 100ft. poli tube upgrad to weight tube + $125.00

Operat ??? ¢ ? ¢ a€???? ¢ a,??" Aerat your pond without electr in as littl as 3-5 mph winds. One system is design to aerat pond that ar up to 2-3 acr in size. For larger ponds, addit system can be utilized. When work with wider/shallow ponds, on system is effective, but we recommend the us of multipl airston to dispers the oxygen more efficiently. The OWS Selector valv allow you to regul the oxygen to each airstone. The windmil can be place up to 1000??? ¢ ? ¢ a€???? ¢ a€?? ¢ from the pond for effect aeration.

??? ¢ ? ¢ a€????...a€?BalCam??? ¢ ? ¢ a€????,?? Technolog - Patent pend technolog that increas the amount of air produc with a singl diaphragm util the new balanc camshaft system. Thi innov new design us a straight camshaft to balanc the workload on three intern mount seal bearing??? ¢ ? ¢ a€???? ¢ a€?? ¢ s give you much longer bear life.

Manufactur ??? ¢ ? ¢ a€???? ¢ a,??" Manufactur in the USA with top qualiti 18 gaug galvan steel to our newli engin design specs. Each piec is cut to order and the system assembl in the Outdoor Water Solut facility. Assembl ??? ¢ ? ¢ a€???? ¢ a,??" Windmil pond aerat design for easi assembl with oval hole for quick align and round corner for improv safeti when work with steel.

Angle Cut Blade - Engineer to captur and oper even with a limit amount of wind speed. Longer than mani competitor on the market to catch more wind. Total head width is 73??? ¢ ? ¢ a€????,??, which is the largest head on the market!

One Piec Hub Assembl - Reduc the amount of part to improv assembl time and improv on long term mainten of the windmill. The on piec hub us two lock collar and a through bolt at the end of the compressor shaft. You can instal the head on the shaft in 5 minut and it will stai put. Other compani us squeez clamp that take over an hour to instal and can loosen over time.

Larger Compressor 1/2" Piston Stroke and 10??? ¢ ? ¢ a€????,?? Diaphragm - Engineer for most effici air product and maximum compressor life. Can run up to 3 differ diffus aerat pond and lake from ??a€??,?? acr up to 3 acr in size.

Self-govern Heat and Tail fin design - Thi uniqu design tail fin captur the maximum air and is design to turn out of excess wind to prevent damag to windmill.

3 Side Tower Design ??? ¢ ? ¢ a€???? ¢ a,??" The three side tower allow for eas in lower and rais the windmil for mainten and repair and allow for the need of onli three ground mount locations. Availabl in 12??? ¢ ? ¢ a€???? ¢ a€?? ¢ , 16??? ¢ ? ¢ a€???? ¢ a€?? ¢ and 20??? ¢ ? ¢ a€???? ¢ a€?? ¢ heights.

Secur Lock Mechan - Allow the windmil head to attach secur to the shaft.

5 Year Warranti ??? ¢ ? ¢ a€???? ¢ a,??" Cover all major mechan defect insid the compressor for a full five year from the date of purchase. Other windmil part ar cover for a period of 3 year from the date of purchas against defect in workmanship or materials.

we ship our product all over the nation as well as worldwide. For installation, servic and pond manag we do servic the local region here in Louisiana: Lafayette, Abbeville, Breaux Bridge, Crowley, Eunice, Jeanerette, Jennings, Kaplan, Morgan City, New Iberia, Opelousas, Rayne, St. Martinville, Lake Charles, Baton Roug and New Orleans.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Resourcefulness In Finding A Job

There ar a lot of wai to look for a job; it s just a matter of how to us your resourc in find the job you desired.

you ar lucki Clown if you can support your skill financi and start a business. But what if you cannot support what you realli enjoi doing? Then you need to find a job where you can enjoi the skill that you have. In look for a job,

What do we need when we look for a job? We need to be resourceful. Why did I sai this? Let s sai you have the skill or the talent. consid first thi question Where can I find a Job? Thi question mai be simpl but thi is realli where we want to start.

like newspap ads,Be resourc is what we need in order to answer the question. You must know where to look for a job. You must also know who to talk to in search for your desir job. Where to look? There ar a lot of place in find a job. internet job search sites, radio and televis ads, job agencies, job fair and also your Colleg and Univers that offer job advise. But these ar onli the known or the open-job resources. What I mean by be resourc is you do not reli on the open-job resourc but know how to find the hidden-job resources.

thei reli mostli on their employe referral. Don t be afraid to ask the compani either by make a phone call through their human resourc depart or just by simpli visit the company. What ar these hidden-job resources? You won t find these job unless you us networking. Now what do I mean by networking? By us network you must know the place where to look for and the peopl to talk with. Where ar the place we must look for the hidden jobs? Just go straight to the compani that you want to appli for. Sometim compani do not reli on advertis or post their job vacancies.

If you know someon who work for the compani that you want to appli for don t be afraid to ask that person to help you appli for the job. Nowadai an employe refer someon to the compani can get a commiss of that referr get hired. He help you get a job but you also help him becaus of the commiss he receives.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Franchising Pros And Cons

Anthony,Th Inflatable Water Game Trampoline bottomline. is to do your homework and make sure the franchis you choos fit your personality, your lifestyle, and your pocket book.

Last week' question from Anthoni R. on how to choos the franchis that would best fulfil hi life-long dream of own hi own busi spark a number of email from other reader want to offer their two cent on the subject.

while other email came from current franchis owner ask me to help them sell their oper to Anthoni RSom folk offer help insight and suggest on how to pick a franchis and a few thing to watch out for..

sound like it' time to updat the old busi card onc again. Tim Knox: Franchis Broker At Larg Who knows,Hmm. mayb I can franchis the concept.

Last week I promis we'd take a closer look at a few of the thing you should look for when consid a franchis opportunity. Keep in mind that there ar thousand of franchis opportun that rang from the low end opportun avail for a few thousand dollar to the high end franchis that cost hundr of thousand of dollars.

the level of train and support offer to the franchisee,Th differ in price is reflect in mani ways: the viabil of the opportunity. the track record and financi stabil of the franchisor, the success rate of the franchisees, and a dozen other factors.

you can becom their franchisee. And your puls doe not have to be that strongA l a lower end franchisor might offer is a train manual and the right to us their compani name. Mani also have veri littl interest in weed out potenti franchisees. The truth is mani ar in busi just to collect franchis fees. Thei have littl interest in whether or not a franchise actual succeeds. If you have a puls and a checkbook..

you do pai dearli for their assistance,Th higher end franchisor have veri strict franchise requir and will not allow just anyon to becom a part of their franchis system. Thei also go to much greater length to ensur the success of their franchisees. Thei offer complet hand hold from start to finish and remain heavili involv in the busi even after the door open. Yes. but as the old sai goes, you get what you pai for.

Her ar a few thing to look for in a franchis opportunity:

Turnkei operation

build and equip the facility,Thi is the most appeal featur of mani franchis systems. Mani of the top franchisor will scout the best locat for the business. hire and train employees, put you through an extens manag train system, then toss you the keys. Furthermore, thei will work close with you for the first few month to help make certain that you know what to do with the kei onc they'v been toss to you.

so be prepar to do much of the upfront work yourself. Often it is up to you to find a location,Th major of franchis don't offer such complet turnkei packages. negoti the lease, build out the space or erect a building, instal the equipment, hire and train a staff etc.

Proven track record and manag system

mani of the lesser-known franchis system offer you a train manual,A mention earlier. mayb a train video, and a few hour of telephon support. Not the best wai to learn how to run a business. A good franchisor will provid you with thorough manag training, either at their facil or onsit at yours. Sinc on of the reason for bui into a franchis system is to tap into their expertis and know-how, thorough train should be a foremost consideration.

Custom wait for the door to open

of course,I don't have the statist in my pocket to back thi up. but I'd bet the farm that everi time a new McDonald' open it door, it' a mere matter of minut befor the first Happi Meal is sold. Mani franchisor spend hundr of million of dollar on nation ad campaign to promot brand awareness. Thi work great for the franchise who can liter have custom wait for the door to open on the first dai of business.

A lwai consid the downsides

usual more of an invest than if the entrepreneur start a similar ventur on hi own. You could open an independ hamburg fast food restaur for a fraction of the McDonald' franchis fee,Ther ar downsid to franchising. Foremost is the high cost of entry. The top franchis opportun requir consider invest on the front end. but you probabl won't sell as mani hamburgers. What you'r bui from McDonald' is not just a fast food restaur that sell hamburgers. What you'r bui is a brand, a reputation, and a proven busi system with readi to eat customers. Be prepar to pai a premium for it.

includ inventory,A noth downsid is that when you bui into a franchis system you often have to pai a percentag of your revenu back to the franchisor. You might also be requir to bui suppli from the franchisor. paperwork, software, comput systems, and anyth els the franchisor decid that thei should suppli to you.

the franchisor does. You have veri littl say-so in run the business. You must follow their process and procedur without variation. And should you decid to get out of the busi you mai not even be allow to sell the franchis to just anyone. The new owner would have to be approv by the franchisor befor a deal could be made finalA nd there in li the biggest downsid of all. When you bui into a franchis system you don't control your business..

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Employers: Develop Effective Health And Safety Policies for Glove Usage in the Workplace

who are Inflatable Roller Ball often unawar of the risk of latex exposure. Such health problem can be minim or prevent by develop polici to train and educ employe and glove user on all aspect of glove use,

Latex allergi in the workplac can result in potenti seriou health problem for workers. safeti & care, and procedur to prevent and react to latex allergies.

from simpl articl such as thermometers,Surg and patient examin glove ar medic devic regul by the FDA Food and Drug Administr . The legal definit of "medic device" encompass sever thousand health products. tongu depressors, and heat pads, to sensit and complex devic such as pacemakers, lasers, and imag technologies. The enact of the Medic Devic Amendment of 1976 amend the Feder Food, Drug, and Cosmet Act the FD&C Act to give FDA specif author to regul the safeti and effect of medic devices.

FDA ha receiv report of 15 death and numer other sever allerg reaction associ with exposur to latex. These death were associ with anaphylact reaction to natur rubber latex. To determin whether there wa a connect between the death and latex,Sinc 1989. FDA initi research that demonstr that antibodi from latex sensit individu react to a number of natur latex proteins. FDA us thi inform to inform industri and user that natur latex protein were the sourc of potenti life threaten reaction to natur rubber latex-contain products.

make recommend for patient care and advice,A dvic wa develop for manufactur to remov leachabl protein associ with these reaction from their finish devices. A Medic Alert wa also issu to the medic commun to alert health care worker to the problem of natur latex allergy. and request health profession to report advers reaction to latex in medic devices.

the FDA promulg a rule which becam effect Septemb 30,Scientif studi and case report have document sensit to natur latex protein found in a wide rang of medic devices. Base on thi information. 1998 to requir label statement on medic devic and devic packag contain natur rubber with which peopl come into contact. The label inform enabl user who ar alreadi sensit to natur latex protein to avoid exposur to natur latex proteins. It also enabl user to make inform choic about the glove and other product thei mai us person and as importantly, the product thei us on patient who mai have sensit to natur latex.

includ latex exam gloves,Th FDA also note that manufactur of mani products. increasingli were label their product as "hypoallergenic." FDA believ thi term is interpret by consum to mean that the risk of allerg reaction to ani compon of the devic would be minimal. Thi is not the case with devic contain natur rubber. The label regulation, therefore, prohibit us of the term "hypoallergenic" on medic devic that contain natur rubber becaus it incorrectli impli the devic can be us safe by person sensit to natur latex proteins.

polici for safe,A lthough medic devic ar manufactur and label as design by the FDA and other regulatori authorities. appropri glove us should be develop as summar below:

Examin current procedur for exam glove use

A ssess need for examin gloves

Provid altern glove when available

Us glove appropri for the task

Refrain from us of expir gloves

Bui correctli label product manufactur accord to standards

inform should be provid to educ and train employe in the follow areasUpon complet and implement of these policies.:

Identifi appropri glove for task needed

specif which exam glove contain late

Glov label and storage.x

A void us of lotion or barrier cream under the glove which mai react with the latex or compromis the integr of the gloves

Prop recognit of sign and symptom of latex allergy

Th need to immedi report suspect case of reaction and/or consult a physician

Procedur for deal with suspect as well as confirm cases

adopt of the recommend wherev feasibl will contribut to the reduct of exposur and risk for the develop of latex allergyGuidelin for exam glove us can be supplement with the follow employ and worker recommend for prevent latex allergi in the workplace. These prevent method ar base on current knowledg and a common-sens approach to minim latex-rel health problems. Evolv manufactur technolog and improv in measur method mai lead to chang in these recommend in the future. For now..